vendredi 28 mai 2010

Repêchage de la NHL - Part 2

À entendre ce qu'il se dit à propos du "combine", les Oilers doivent prendre Tyler Séguin !

Seguin looks like the early candidate to be todays winner of the "BioSteel Sports Man of Steel award" lots to come tho.

Seguin looks pretty jacked and just crushed the Wingate....having a good day

Seguin just crushed the push-up test...40 reps

Matt Nichol live from the NHL Draft Combine: " Tyler Seguin looks like he is in great shape"

Have to admit Tyler Seguin was bigger and generally more fit than I expected, he's obviously been working hard


jeudi 27 mai 2010

Repêchage de la NHL

Au cas où vous ne le saviez pas, le Canadiens de Montréal repêchera 27ième dans le prochain repêchage qui aura lieu le 25 juin prochain.

Voici ma source, contenant un "mock draft"
